A Gay Christmas Carol

By: B W
(© 2020 by the author)

The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at...



Chapter 1

 Falwell’s Ghost.


Patsy Falwell was dead, of that there can be no doubt.  This must be understood, because if this weren’t so then nothing wonderful could come of this story.  Falwell died on Christmas Eve seven years ago, but the man who Falwell had dutifully served for many years wasn’t at his bedside when he passed away.  He was busy preparing for the Christmas Eve service at the church, although he did officiate at Patsy’s funeral service three days later.


You see, Christmas Eve was a busy, yet joyous time for Reverend Franklin Phelps, and now this day had an additional meaning for him.  It served as a painful reminder of when he lost his faithful friend and longtime assistant.  In addition to losing his closest confidant, Franklin also had difficulty coming to grips with why God would allow such a devout man to pass away on such a festive and important religious holiday.  He understood that God worked in mysterious ways, but the platitude served as little comfort concerning the timing and enormous loss he felt.


Phelps was a pious man and a religious leader of some renown, and he did his best to ensure the word of God was spread throughout the land – at least his unyielding and stagnant interpretation of it.  He even went as far as to make certain that influential politicians felt the heat from his movement and knew when his followers were unwilling to go along with certain decisions the politicians had made.  The main topics in dispute included society’s growing acceptance of homosexuals, the granting of gay rights, and the legalization of non-traditional forms of marriage.  He didn’t do this to be mean or vindictive; at least that’s what he told those who questioned his motives.  He merely claimed to be following the word of God as it was written in the Holy Bible. 


This evening was one of the most wonderful times of the year for Phelps and his followers and he looked forward to giving his typical Christmas Eve sermon.  As he made his way to the church, which was next door to the parsonage where he and his family lived, he walked arm-in-arm with his wife and was flanked by his two children.  As he and his family headed toward the humble structure, many of his congregants offered their well wishes and seasonal greetings.  They also expressed their admiration for all that he’d accomplished during the past year.  


“Merry Christmas, Reverend Phelps.  You’ve had another terrific year of getting our message out and holding the politicians accountable!” they each offered in their own way. 


Franklin graciously accepted their compliments and Yuletide wishes and happily passed along his own Christmas tidings in return.  During this time, he also noticed that a gentle snow was beginning to fall and silently accumulating on the ground around them, so they would have a white Christmas as well.  It was truly a wonderful time of the year. 


After entering the church, it wasn’t long before Phelps was standing behind the pulpit and joyfully joining in with the choir as it led them in some of his favorite Christmas carols.  The power of the Holy Spirit seemed to fill this small edifice to the rafters and only inspired him more.  His sermon was a huge success as well, and then the service concluded with the singing of a few more seasonal hymns. 


Everyone was in a splendid mood when the final benediction was given, and then Phelps made his way toward the exit.  He stood just outside the main doorway of this humble place of worship so he could greet each of his parishioners and bestow a blessing on them before they headed home.


“Merry Christmas and please be sure to honor our savior, Jesus Christ, tomorrow as you celebrate the day of his birth,” he would begin.  “May the Lord grant you peace and serenity on this sacred day.”  He would also add a personal comment to each of his parishioners before they moved on. 


Once the final congregant had departed, Phelps made his way to the parsonage to rejoin his family, since they had gone ahead.  He was ready to enjoy this special evening with those he loved, and as he made his way there he noticed that a substantial amount of snow had already accumulated on the ground.  Although it was still snowing, he could make out the footprints of those who had gone before him.   


When he reached the parsonage, he and his family sat in the living room and chatted about many things in the glow of the lights on their wonderfully decorated Christmas tree.  There was also a magnificent Nativity spread beneath its lowest boughs that helped to remind them of the true meaning of the day.  There were also numerous presents stacked neatly on either side of this religious masterpiece, and each family member reveled in the love and closeness the holiday provided them.  It was truly one of their favorite times of the year. 


As the evening grew later, Mrs. Phelps took the children up to bed, but Franklin stayed behind so he could put the final touches on his next sermon.  He was working alone in the study when the lights began to flicker, so he got up and looked out the window to see if his neighbors were having similar problems.  As far as he could tell, the parsonage seemed to be the only building afflicted by this malady.  Try as he might, he couldn’t immediately discern a reason for why this was happening, but he didn’t have long to ponder the situation further, because the doorbell rang and disturbed his thoughts.


Franklin wondered who could possibly be visiting at this hour of the night, especially on Christmas Eve.  It was possible that one of his parishioners had a problem that required his attention, but when he went to see who was there he found the doorstep empty.  He was also surprised that he was unable to locate any new footprints in the freshly fallen snow, so who had rung the doorbell?  Confused, he headed back to the study, and along the way he considered if the current electrical problems might have caused the doorbell to ring. 


As he attempted to refocus on his sermon, the lights began to flicker again, and then they dimmed before going out completely.  He was about to light a candle so he could see when the lights suddenly came back on, and then the doorbell rang again.  Franklin rushed over to answer it, hoping to either discover who was there or possibly catch the prankster who thought that disturbing him at this hour was amusing, but once again no one was there. 


“Is anyone here?  If you need something, then please show yourself.”


When no one responded, he spoke again.  “I don’t think this is funny, so please leave us alone,” he shouted as he waved his fist in the air. 


He also looked around again and was unable to locate any new footprints in the snow.  Totally bewildered, he reconsidered the idea that the electrical problems might somehow be responsible for this conundrum, although he didn’t see how that would be possible.  Lacking for another solution, he hoped the problem would end when the situation with the power was solved. 


Franklin was prepared to return to the study so he could continue working on his sermon when he heard an unexpected noise behind him.  He spun around to see what had caused it and immediately froze in disbelief as chills ran up and down his spine.  A shadowy figure was passing through the closed and locked doorway and moving into the foyer.  Slowly, the apparition began to take shape until it was recognizable, and Franklin stared at it to see if he could discern what, or more correctly who stood before him. 


“Who are you and what do you want?” Franklin barked out.


“Ask me not who I am, but who I was,” the apparition responded. 


“Fine, then who were you?”


“In life I was your humble assistant and loyal companion, Patsy Falwell.”


“Patsy Falwell, is it really you?”  


Phelps trembled slightly while beholding the figure in front of him and realized Patsy appeared to be dressed in the same clothes that he’d been buried in.  The garments, however, appeared to have seen better days and were currently smoldering.  This indicated that his clothing had been burning and only recently extinguished.


“No, this is impossible. I attended your funeral and saw you buried.  It can’t be you, because there are no such things as ghosts!”


Franklin began to rub his eyes, since he thought his senses were playing a trick on him.  He even pinched himself to see if he was dreaming, but nothing changed until the apparition released a terrible and unearthly groan.  When that happened, it struck Franklin like an icy blast and created fear in his very soul. 


“You are wrong Franklin.  Why do you deny your senses?  How can you say there are no such things as ghosts when one is standing right in front of you?” 


“Our senses can easily misinterpret their surroundings.  This can be caused by an illness, lack of sleep, or even a reaction to something I ate or drank.”  


Frustrated, the spirit released a howl that caused Franklin to fall to his knees trembling.  “Do you believe in me or not?” the spirit pressed. 


“Yes, I do, I truly do,” Phelps replied, his voice quivering.  “But why are you here?”


“I have come to offer you a chance for redemption.” 


“Redemption?  What do I need redemption from?  I pray to God every night and ask him to forgive me for my sins.”


“Yes, you do, but not from these sins.  This is because you are not willing to acknowledge that what you’re doing is a sin.”


“I ask God to forgive ALL of my sins.”


“That is not enough!  You must accept responsibility and recognize the fact that what you are doing is wrong.  You must also make amends for the harm you have caused over the years and change the way you live your life, if you wish to avoid the same fate that I bear.”


“What harm have I caused?  I haven’t done anything wrong.  You and I have always spread the word of God as it was stated in the Holy Scriptures.” 


“Yes, that’s what we told ourselves, but we were mistaken.  In hindsight it seems that my parents were very wise when they named me Patsy, instead of Patrick, because that’s what I’ve been.  I was your patsy and willingly regurgitated every word and idea that you spouted as truth.”  


“And that’s just what it was – truth.  We were always able to use scripture to support our beliefs.”


This caused the spirit to emit a very loud and fearsome shriek before it spoke again.  “That’s what we told ourselves, but we were mistaken.  I have been suffering these past seven years because of those errors in judgment and the many wrongs that I caused.  I have come to offer you a chance to avoid a similar fate than the one I endure.”


“Mistakes… suffering… how can that be possible?  You were always a righteous and God-fearing man, as well as my faithful assistant for many years.  You helped me to carry out God’s will, so why would you be suffering for doing that?  Since the day that you passed from this world I’ve been convinced that you were sitting at the right hand of God and reaping your just rewards for a faithful and devoted life.”


“That’s what I expected as well, but it was just another of my miscalculations, because I’ve spent these past seven years in hell.”  The spirit then hung its head, as if it was remorseful.    


“But I don’t understand,” Phelps challenged.  “You merely preached the word of God and passed along various scriptural tenants to both the faithful and nonbelievers.”


“What I passed along was our misinterpretation of God’s word, and I’ve since learned that our personal prejudices colored the message we spread.  We bastardized the meaning of what God had intended.  I now pay for those mistakes, as will you, if you aren’t willing to repent.  Haven’t you noticed the chains I wear?”


“Yes, I was wondering about those, but I didn’t wish to be rude and bring it up.”


“These are the chains I forged in life, link by link.  Some of the links represent a child or an adult who committed suicide after I played a role in having them enter conversion therapy.  Other rings represent a life I’d forced into the shadows due to the shame I brought them by constantly insisting that they were sick, disgusting, and evil for being gay.  Still other links are for those I prevented from finding love and happiness due to our limited interpretation of God’s word.  We helped to break up relationships and prevented other individuals from getting married.  We kept still more from being able to adopt needy children, which affected even more lives and caused other links to be added to my chain.” 


“It is a ponderous chain indeed,” Phelps stated. 


His comment caused Falwell to rattle the chains and howl in disgust simultaneously.  He couldn’t believe that Franklin was focused only on the obvious and missing the true meaning of his words. 


“Your chain was as long and heavy as this one seven Christmases ago and you’ve continued to labor on it since.  I am here to give you a chance to correct the error of your ways – a chance that was not afforded to me.” 


“You were always a good friend, Patsy, and I thank you for your thoughtfulness.” 


“Tonight you will be visited by three spirits and they will show you where we went wrong.” 


“If this is the opportunity that you offer, then I’d rather pass.” 


Patsy’s spirit let out an ear-splitting howl in response.  “It’s typical of you to downplay the significance of this matter and to refuse help.  You must acknowledge culpability for your actions and accept this chance for redemption.  Pay attention to what the spirits show you and heed their message, because it is the only way you might save yourself from suffering the same fate that I have endured in the pits of hell.  Do not squander this opportunity, my friend, for it shall not be offered again.” 


“Can’t you just pass this information along to me instead, so I don’t have to be visited by any more spirits?  You were always a good and loyal friend, Patsy, and I’d rather hear this message from you.” 


Patsy’s spirit let out another ghastly howl, although this one was more fearsome than any of the others.  Phelps was now lying prostrate on the floor and shaking uncontrollably, completely consumed by the haunting sense of despair the wail had caused to ripple throughout his soul. 


“Franklin, you must accept these spirits and heed what they have to say, for tonight will be your only chance to avoid my fate.  The first spirit will appear at midnight, the second an hour later, and the final spirit at two o’clock.  Do not expect to see me again and you’d be wise to heed my warnings.”


Once this had been said, the ghost of Patsy Falwell began to drift across the room until it effortlessly exited through a closed window, without doing any damage.  Franklin summoned enough courage to follow it, and then he peered out the window to see where the spirit went next.  He was stunned to discover that there were numerous other spirits floating gracefully about, most likely performing similar tasks as his former assistant. 


Shaken and unwilling to let his wife and children know what he had just witnessed, he decided to lie down on the sofa in the study.  He covered himself completely with the afghan that had been draped across the back of the sofa, but it took several minutes before he was able to shake off the effects of Patsy’s visit.  Eventually, he began to calm down enough that he was finally able to fall asleep.   




Chapter 2

The First Spirit.


Franklin wasn’t able to slumber for very long, however, because a bright light filled the entire room and awakened him.  He attempted to shield his eyes from the blinding glare, but he was unable to keep his eyes open for very long, and then he heard a child-like voice speak. 


“I will cover the light of truth so you might behold me,” it uttered, and Franklin was soon able to see the form of a woman dressed in a long, flowing robe and wearing some sort of a helmet. 


Phelps believed the overwhelming brilliance that had filled the room only seconds before was still trying to escape, although it was now contained beneath the helmet.  This allowed him to make out more of the apparitions features, yet he was unable to determine if the spirit was old or young.  She had long, snow white hair, but she also had delicate features and a smooth, unwrinkled complexion.  


“Who are you?” Phelps demanded. 


“I am the Ghost of Christmas Past.”


“Long past?”


“No, your past.  Rise and walk with me for your own welfare.”  


Fearful and not courageous enough to disobey the spirit, Franklin got up from the sofa and followed the woman as she made her way across the room.  Without hesitation, and without physically touching anything, she opened the window, held out her arm, and summoned Franklin. 


“Take hold of my hand and come with me,” she stated soothingly.


Still uncertain as to why he was being so obedient, Phelps took her hand and together they passed through the window and emerged in a place that was vaguely familiar to him. 


“Do you know where we are?” the spirit asked.


“It looks different somehow, but isn’t this the house I lived in as a child?”


“Indeed it is.  Come and take a closer look.”


As he moved forward, Phelps walked up to a large window at the front of the structure and peered inside.  He was somewhat taken aback by what he saw. 


“That’s me when I was a boy!  I remember this, because it was my favorite Christmas of all.  It was the last Christmas before my father died, and I shall always cherish the time that I got to spend with him.  Look, he’s helping me set up the model train he gave me that year.  It’s in our basement now.  I gave it to my son when he was about the same age as I was when I received it as a gift.  I was ten-years-old that Christmas.”


“Yes, and you love your son the same way that your father loved you.  Don’t you, Franklin?”


She appeared to be studying him closely as he continued to watch this Christmas extraordinaire and noticed the delight that registered on his much younger face.


“Oh, yes.  In fact I love him even more and hope to always be here for him.”  


After saying this, he wiped a tear from his eye as he thought about how much he missed his father.  He also turned slightly away from the Ghost of Christmas Past to prevent her from seeing him weep.  However, when he turned back to look inside the window again, the boy was now a year older. 


“What happened, spirit?  Can’t we go back to the other Christmas, because I don’t want to be reminded of this one?”  The older Franklin not only appeared sad, but he was also upset that the euphoria he’d felt had now been replaced by great sorrow. 


“You must learn to accept the good with the bad, since this is part of your life as well.” 


Franklin merely nodded, seeing he was unable to speak.  A lump had formed in his throat due to the emotional impact of the moment.  Why did she have to remind him of the loneliness he’d felt during that first Christmas without his father?  Why couldn’t she have allowed him to enjoy the happiness he’d felt the Christmas before?  He was still pondering this thought when he suddenly found himself transported to another time and place.  They were now standing outside of an unfamiliar building and looking in on people he didn’t immediately recognize.  Since he wasn’t able to understand why they were here, he decided to ask. 


“Spirit, why did you bring me here?”


“You know these people, although you may not be aware of it, and you are here because I want you to see and experience the love and joy that other families share at this wonderful time of the year.” 


Reluctantly accepting her answer, Franklin silently gazed through the window and observed a blond-haired boy about thirteen-years-old being doted on and spoiled by his parents. 


“Wait!” he stated after seeing the parents.  “I do know this family.  They’re the Connors and they attend my church,” Phelps stated as he continued to observe the scene inside.


He watched as their son, Riley, was handed his gifts and eagerly unwrapped them with all of the gusto and excitement he could muster.  “Mom, Dad, I can’t believe you bought this for me!”  


“Well, if you don’t want it then I guess we could always take it back and exchange it for something else,” his father responded while trying to keep a straight face.  Besides winking at his wife, it was obvious that a smile was beginning to break through the façade.  


“No way!” his son shrieked.  “You know I’ve wanted this for months and there’s no way you’re going to take it away from me now!” 


Riley then lunged toward his parents and wrapped an arm around each of their necks.  After giving them a mighty squeeze, he kissed each of them on the cheek.  “Thank you and I love both of you so much,” he added. 


“And we love you too, son,” his mother replied, and then his parents hugged him back, appreciative of his thoughtful display of affection. 


Phelps turned to look at the spirit to see if she had been observing him or the images before them, and when he saw that she’d been peering through the window he breathed a sigh of relief.  The moment ended when the spirit spoke without looking at him. 


“Isn’t it wonderful to witness moments like this and see the love that other parents and children have for one another?”


Franklin didn’t respond, and when he turned back to look through the window again he discovered they were now at another location. 


This time he spotted an ebony haired young man walking next to a younger girl, who was most likely his sister.  He was dressed as a shepherd boy, while the girl was dressed as an angel.


“It appears they will be performing in some sort of a pageant,” the spirit observed. 


“Yes, every year our Sunday school classes put on a play about the first Christmas.  Since I’ve seen it performed so many times before, I’m afraid I don’t remember when these two were in it, because I recognize their parents now as well.  I don’t immediately recall their names, but they used to attend my church and moved away a couple of years ago.”


“Yes, the father got a new job in another state, but they haven’t forgotten you.” 


When Phelps turned back to examine the scene again, he discovered they were now at this family’s home and the parents were handing their son and daughter a large number of gifts.  He watched as the excited pair enthusiastically ripped off the wrapping paper so they could see what was inside each package.  They would smile in satisfaction when they discovered what was hidden inside, and then they would thank their parents for giving them one more item from their Christmas list.  As soon as all of the presents had been unwrapped, they both gave their mom and dad a hug. 


“Are grandma and grandpa coming for Christmas dinner?” the girl asked. 


“Yes, Emily, your grandparents will be here, along with your aunts, uncles, and cousins,” their mother answered. 


“Great!  I love it when everyone’s here to celebrate Christmas with us,” the boy added. 


“Yes, Chase, it’s always nice to celebrate these special days with our family,” their dad responded. 


The children then thanked their parents again and told them how much they appreciated everything they did for them.  This caused Franklin’s eyes to fill up with tears as he witnessed this touching scene, and he lowered his head so he could wipe away the moisture with his sleeve.  When he looked up again, he was standing in front of the parsonage and looking through the window at a Christmas that had taken place four years earlier. 


“Dad,” his son squealed, “I can’t believe you’re giving me your model train.”  His ten-year-old son, Timmy, was joyfully dancing around and totally overwhelmed by the significance of this present.  “I know how much you love this, and I can’t believe you’re giving it to me.”


“It was a special gift from my father on the last Christmas before he died.  I have always cherished it, but now I am passing it along to you.  I hope you will love it as much as I have.”


“Oh I will, Dad,” Timmy promised just before he leapt into his father’s arms and squeezed his neck.  “Thank you soooo much, Dad.  I will always remember today and enjoy the train as much as you have, and some day I hope I can pass it on to my son.”


Franklin stood motionless as he watched this spectacle unfold in front of his eyes again, while at the same time remembering how special he felt at that particular moment.  It was almost as wonderful as the Christmas when he’d received the same gift from his father.  Wishing to enjoy the feeling for as long as he could, he returned his attention to scene before him, and when he did he heard his slightly younger self speak. 


“You’re not done yet,” he stated as he handed his son three more packages.  Eagerly, Timmy accepted the gifts and opened them, and he was immediately delighted with what he found inside.  “These are new pieces to add to the train set so it will be even better than before.  I hope we can add something new every year and that way we’ll both enjoy watching it grow.”


“Thanks, Dad.  This is the best Christmas ever!”


The vision slowly began to fade and then everything went dim.  Franklin soon discovered they were back where they’d started and standing in the study again.  As soon as he let go of the spirit’s hand, she disappeared. 


Momentarily confused, he looked around for her and that’s when he spotted the clock.  Although it seemed as if they had spent several hours together, only a few minutes had passed since she’d first arrived.  Feeling weary from the emotional journey down memory lane, Phelps laid down on the sofa again and soon fell asleep.   




Chapter 3

The Second Spirit.


This time Franklin was awakened by a deep, throaty voice that was summoning him.  “Franklin Phelps, come forward and get to know me better,” the voice roared. 


Franklin got up and staggered into the living room where he spied a giant of a man dressed in a forest green robe.  He also had a wreath of holy wrapped around his head and he was lounging in Franklin’s favorite chair in the living room. 


“I am the Ghost of Christmas Present.  Have you ever seen another like me before?” 


“No, I’m afraid not.  Why do you ask?”


“My brothers have roamed the earth in years past to spread seasonal cheer and good will to men, and I was wondering if you’d met any of them.”


“Not that I can remember.  Do you have many brothers?”


“More than two thousand,” he answered before releasing a mighty roar of laughter.  “There is one for every year since our savior was born.”


“That’s a very large family.”


“Indeed, but now you must come with me.  Touch my robe and I shall show you many things.”


Although hesitant, Phelps did as requested.  As soon as he touched the spirit’s robe, he found himself whisked away to another location. 


“I remember this place,” Franklin announced as he looked up at the face of his new guide.  “This house belongs to one of my congregants, the Connors, and I was here a short time ago with the Ghost of Christmas Past.”


“Indeed you were, and it might seem as if only a short time has passed since then, but it has been a couple of years since you stood outside this abode.  Look inside and see what changes have taken place.”


When Phelps looked through the window, he recognized the blond haired youth he had seen earlier, although the spirit was correct.  Riley was now at least two or three years older and the presents had already been opened, but there was no communication between Riley and his parents and no one looked happy. 


“Spirit, what happened to this family?  When I was last here, they seemed so happy and very close.”


The Ghost of Christmas Present did not respond and merely waved his arm, which caused the scene to change again.  This time Riley and his parents were in a heated argument, which was very different from what he’d witnessed earlier. 


“I’m telling you,” the father screamed at his son, “I will not allow a pervert to live in my house.  You will give up these unnatural and unholy tendencies and conduct yourself as you’re supposed to.  Boys don’t love other boys; they fall in love with girls and have families.  If you don’t come to your senses, I’ll either beat those faggy feelings out of you or I’ll talk to Reverend Phelps about getting you placed in conversion therapy.  Maybe that will help you come to your senses and start acting like a normal boy.”


“Do you really believe I can change who I am?  I didn’t ask to be this way, but I am.  Could you have chosen to NOT be attracted to girls and become gay instead?”


“No, and I wouldn’t have wanted to,” the father shouted back while glaring at his son.  “You’ll go to hell if you keep this up.”


“That’s what you think, but I don’t believe God is so narrow-minded.  Why would God have allowed me to be born this way if that’s how he felt?  I’ve tried dating girls, but it never felt right.  I’m not attracted to them and I don’t get excited when I kiss or touch them.  It’s not like I have a choice and can change, it’s just who I am.”


“I don’t accept that and you DO have a choice, so you’d better make it soon if you know what’s good for you.”


Since Riley realized there was no way he was going to win the argument, he stopped speaking and stormed off to his room.  He closed the door, hurled himself onto the bed, and cried softly into the pillow.  Having witnessed this, Phelps turned to his guide and spoke. 


“The father is correct and the boy DOES have a choice.  He doesn’t have to choose to be gay.”


“Do you truly believe that?  Did you choose to be heterosexual?”


“No!  We’re all born that way because it’s what is right and natural.  God doesn’t want us to be any other way.”


“Are you sure?” the ghost countered as he raised an eyebrow. 


“Yes, the Bible condemns homosexuality.”


“Does it condemn the act itself, or was it merely the attitude of one of the first people to transcribe God’s message?  Didn’t the Bible also condone slavery and advise women to be totally obedient to their husbands?  Neither of those issues is acceptable any longer, because times have changed and so must we.  When Jesus was born on this holy day, he ushered in a new way – one of love and understanding.”


“But homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament as well.”


“Is it, or once again was it merely the viewpoint of one of the earliest people to transcribe the text?  Why do you and others condemn homosexuality so strongly when it’s only referenced in obscure verses in your Holy Book?  You show more anger and hostility against homosexuals than you do against the people who have broken God’s commandments.”


“That’s not true.”


“It is, because you don’t hold adulterers, those who take the Lord’s name in vain, and those who fail to keep the Sabbath with the same contempt that you do homosexuals.  Shouldn’t we hold liars, thieves, and murderers to a higher standard?  Don’t they deserve your wrath and contempt more, because they’ve broken the laws of God?  No matter what you say, a prohibition against homosexuality doesn’t appear in the laws that God gave to Moses, yet you spend much of your time and energy focusing on something as trivial as whom a person loves.”


“But God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of that very sin.”


“Did he destroy those cities because of homosexuality, or was it due to the fact that some of the inhabitants were trying to force sex upon an unwilling partner?  Could it also have been that they didn’t offer a stranger hospitality or safe refuge, as required by Jewish law and custom?”


Phelps hesitated before he answered so he could think back upon the Bible verses that referenced those events.  “No, it was because the inhabitants of those cities wanted to sleep with other men.” 


“So you say, but I believe that is only one interpretation.  Didn’t Jesus befriend a prostitute and forgive others who had committed worse sins?”


“Yes, but only on the condition that they didn’t repeat those sins.”


“Didn’t God tell us in Matthew 7:1 to ‘Judge not, that ye be not judged,’?  Isn’t judging mankind God’s job, not ours?  Even though he asks us to inform others about him and his love, doesn’t he also give each person a choice if he’s willing to follow him?”


“Yes, that’s true.”


“And what if the person chooses not to follow him?  Are you told to harass that individual until he relents?  No, he allows the person to make his own decision, although some day he will be required to answer to God about his choices, as will we all.”


“That is correct as well.”


“Then if God created each of us, would he love us any less because he created us differently than others?  Do you think he would hate a person because of his race, the color of his hair or eyes, a disability, or any other aspect of his life that he has no control over?”


“No, I believe he loves everyone.”


“Then why would he hate someone merely because of whom they love.  If they’re a decent person and follow God’s commandments, then why would he hate and condemn them to the pits of hell for the way he created them?”


Franklin still wasn’t convinced the spirit was right, but he said nothing more so his guide let the matter drop.  Phelps now found himself standing before another house he’d seen before, but this time it was the home of the ebony haired youth that he’d visited with the Ghost of Christmas Past.  Once again, the scene was dramatically different from the one he’d witnessed previously, and the happiness and goodwill of the season no longer seemed to reside there.  This time Chase was hurriedly packing his clothes in a small nylon bag while his parents sat in the other room arguing. 


“I won’t allow that type of behavior in my home,” the father advised his wife.  “I can’t believe our son is a homo.”


“Dear, it may only be an experimental phase that he’s going through and he might outgrow it.”


“I doubt it.  I told him he needed to change his behavior the first time I caught him with another boy, but that didn’t happen.  From what I saw this time, it’s more than just a little experimentation.” 


“Why?  What did the father see?” Phelps wanted to know. 


Without saying a word, the spirit waved an arm and Phelps was transported to the boy’s bedroom a few days earlier.  Chase was sprawled out on the bed next to another young man approximately the same age, and they were both totally naked.  They were kissing and fondling each other, and then Chase began to fellate his friend.  As Phelps was watching, the bedroom door slowly opened and the father began to walk into the room, but he stopped short, totally unprepared for what he saw.  Once the boys realized he was there, they quickly separated and attempted to cover themselves, but the damage was already done. 


“What’s he doing here again?” the father demanded. 


“I thought you and mom were visiting friends,” Chase responded. 


“My friend wasn’t feeling well so we left, and now I’m not feeling very well either.  I want this pervert to leave my house and he’s never to return.”  He wasn’t exactly screaming, but his voice was louder than normal and very forceful. 


“But, Dad, I love him.  Don’t do this to me.”  Chase’s eyes pleaded with his father for understanding, while he and his friend scrambled to get dressed. 


“Love?  How can you even say that?  Love is between a man and a woman, not something as perverted as this.  I don’t want to find him in my house ever again and I forbid you from seeing each other.  If you can’t live with my rules, then you’ll have to find someplace else to live.”  Having spoken his mind, he left the room and gave the boys a chance to get dressed. 


“So the boy is running away now?” Phelps asked the spirit. 


“Yes, the boy felt he couldn’t live under those restrictions or comply with his father’s ultimatum, so what else could he do?  He’s leaving home and it’s a shame that this is happening on Christmas Day.” 


“It sounds as if he was given a fair warning and didn’t comply, so whatever he endures will be of his own making.  He should have listened to his father and heeded his warning, seeing his dad was merely making a reasonable request to protect him.”


“You can’t change the spots on a leopard or the stripes on a zebra, nor can you change whom a person is attracted to,” the Ghost of Christmas Present stated. 


As Phelps looked at the Ghost of Christmas Present, he appeared much older now than when he first met him.  “Is your life so short?”


“Yes, and I will be no more at midnight,” he replied, and then he waved his arm. 


Phelps found himself back in his own living room again, but this time he was totally alone.  Although Franklin was still considering the various situations he had witnessed with this spirit, he couldn’t help but wonder what visions the next apparition was going to conjure up.  




Chapter 4

The Final Spirit. 


Pat did not fall asleep after the Ghost of Christmas Present departed, because he could feel the presence of the final spirit long before he saw it.  He dropped to his knees and remained in that position as soon as the next apparition appeared.  It was dressed entirely in black and its head was cover with a hood as it gracefully drifted toward him.  This spirit didn’t speak and Phelps was unable to make out any features on its face. 


“Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, I fear you more than the other spirits that have visited me tonight, because you are about to show me things that have not happened yet.”


The specter nodded and pointed, and when Phelps turned in that direction the first scene began to come into view.  Franklin saw himself holding up a newspaper with a headline that announced a constitutional amendment had been passed that upheld traditional marriage and denounced gay marriage.  As he scanned the article, he discovered the Supreme Court had also ruled that civil unions, or domestic partnerships, were also illegal and struck down state laws claiming otherwise.  Couples could no longer be considered to be husband and wife unless they’d been married by a member of the clergy or a lay person authorized to conduct such services. 


The same court had ruled that sodomy laws were also constitutional and could be reinstated in the states where they’d previously been struck down.  The court extended that rule and claimed that each state had the ultimate right to set standards of morality for its citizens and the Federal government could not interfere.  Phelps understood the era of excessive permissiveness had come to an end. 


As Franklin was considering this momentous occurrence, the scene suddenly shifted again.  This time, Franklin watched as his older self was mobbed by his devoted and appreciative followers, because they knew it was due to his efforts that this historic change had come about.  The organization he led had been the driving force behind the call for these changes, and now he was hailed by those who believed as he did. 


“We’re once again a God fearing country,” one of his followers shouted in delight. 


“You’ve stopped this nation from becoming an immoral wasteland,” another cried out. 


Both Franklin’s older and younger self were beaming with pride over what he’d been able to accomplish, and he was reveling in the praise he was receiving from his acolytes.  This was the vision of the country that he’d been striving for. 


Without warning, the scene suddenly changed again and this time Phelps found himself back at Riley’s home.  He was obviously alone and typing a message on his computer. 


“Mom and Dad, I can’t take it any more.  Conversion therapy was psychological and emotional torture.  I was willing to do anything to get them to stop, so I agreed to change and not be a homosexual any longer, but I know that’s not possible.  I realize I won’t be able to fool you for much longer and I can’t handle the thought of going through conversion therapy again, so I’m doing the only other option I have.  I’m sorry you were so disappointed in me and couldn’t accept me for who I am.”


After he finished writing, he frantically began searching for something.  He knew his father was a big proponent of the Second Amendment, so he kept looking until he found what he was after. 


“You’ve got to stop him!” Franklin shouted, but the spirit merely shook its head and pointed toward the boy so Franklin would turn his attention to him. 


Being considerate and not wishing to mess up the house, Riley carried the weapon out to the garage and it was there that he ended his life.  Franklin felt sick when he saw it happen. 


‘Why would the boy choose to kill himself, rather than accept a normal sexual orientation?’ he thought.  ‘Why wouldn’t he choose to be a regular boy instead, with natural and healthy desires?”


He didn’t have long to pursue these thoughts, however, because the scene suddenly changed again.  This time he was observing the raven haired youth he had visited twice before, but this time Chase appeared to be living in an abandoned building.  Chase’s face was gaunt and his body emaciated, and his clothes were not only filthy, but they were also threadbare.  It seemed that the other items the boy had taken with him had either been stolen or sold a long time ago. 


As Franklin studied the boy more closely, he noticed Chase was covered in bruises, and those were just in the areas that Franklin could see.  Some of the bruises appeared recent, while others looked to be considerably older, which indicated that the boy had been assaulted on a fairly regular basis


Since Chase looked malnourished, Franklin couldn’t help but wonder how long it had been since he’d last had a decent meal.  As he was considering Chase’s situation, the words he had spoken earlier came back to haunt him. 


“It sounds as if he was given a fair warning and didn’t comply, so whatever he endures will be of his own making.  He should have listened to his father and heeded his warning, seeing his dad was merely making a reasonable request to protect him.”


‘Why would this young man choose to live like this, rather than give up his unnatural ways?’ Franklin wondered.  He couldn’t help but feel sorry for Chase, considering the pain and hardships he had endured, but at the same time he felt the boy had done this to himself.  This is when he had another thought.  Was the last spirit correct when it stated that you can’t change who a person is attracted to?  Franklin wanted to stay longer and learn more about the boy, but the specter lifted its arm and the scene changed again. 


This time they were standing in an alley and Franklin could see a young man as he entered an extremely large cardboard box.  Phelps wasn’t sure if the boy was living in it or merely trying to hide there temporarily.  As Franklin stepped forward to investigate the situation further, he was in total shock and gasped when he recognized who the young man was. 


“What is my son doing here?  He can’t possibly be living like this!” 


His guide merely lifted its arm again and the vision shifted once more.  This time Franklin was standing in the shed behind the parsonage and he saw his son engaged in a sixty-nine position with one of his male school friends. 


‘How can Tim be a homosexual?’ he wondered, and then he tried to mentally determine if he or his wife had made any mistakes while raising him that would have led to Tim doing such things.  He didn’t think they had, so it caused him to wonder if the things the other spirit had said were true.  ‘Were people actually born with their sexual identity predetermined?’ 


He didn’t have time to consider this further, because the scene shifted once more.  This time they were in his church and he was giving one of his notorious fire and brimstone sermons about the sinfulness of being gay and loving someone of the same sex.  Unlike at other times, this time Franklin was able to watch his son in the pew as he gave his sermon.  He watched Tim squirm in his seat as he tried to justify the desires he felt for other males with the enormity of the sin his father claimed he was committing.  Franklin could see how difficult this was for his son and how he was struggling with the conflicting feelings, and he realized his sermon was making it even more difficult for Tim. 


He wanted to think about this in more depth, but he suddenly found himself standing in his son’s bedroom, possibly later the same day.  This time Tim was hurriedly packing some things in his backpack before he slipped out the window.  He was obviously running away from home, just like the raven haired boy had done. 


Franklin could not deny the impact he’d inadvertently had upon his son that prompted Tim to run away, and it tore him up inside.  All this time he was convinced that everyone was able to make a conscious choice about their sexual orientation, but now he began to question his own beliefs. 


“Are these the things that MUST be, or only the things that MIGHT be?” he asked the dreadful spirit, but he received no reply. 


Before he could determine what he was going to do next, Franklin found himself standing before the throne of God while waiting to receive his final judgment. 


“Did I not command you to love one another as I love you?” the Son of God asked.


“Yes, you did, but I didn’t think it meant we should accept any abomination.”  Although he sounded confident, he was feebly attempting to justify his actions. 


“Did you think my words meant that you should browbeat those you didn’t agree with?  Did you believe I wanted you to harass those individuals until they either killed themselves or withdrew completely from the rest of society?  Did you truly feel that I wanted you to incite others into hating those your words condemned?  Did I not teach you that love is the greatest gift of all?” 


Phelps did not respond and merely hung his head in shame. 


“It is because of you and others like you, that many of my gay children have not been able to enjoy the life I gave them.  Those lives were either cut prematurely short or they died alone, totally neglected and stripped of any feelings of self-worth.  Why would anyone think I would condone such hatred toward your fellow man or espouse violence to coerce them to change their ways?  My gay children will be welcomed into my heavenly kingdom, while those who resorted to hatred and violence to correct these perceived wrongs will not.  The latter group is far worse than those they sought to change, and for that reason they will spend eternity in the pits of hell, and you are part of that group.”


No sooner had these words escaped the Son of God’s lips than Phelps felt himself falling, and this continued until he found himself in the depths of hell.  He started to scream, since he was unwilling to believe that God would condemn him to suffer this fate.  He’d always believed he was doing God’s will and would be rewarded for his efforts.  He was still flailing about and screaming when his wife began to shake him gently.  Slowly, he returned to his senses and realized his time with the spirits had come to an end. 


“The spirits wouldn’t have shown me these things if they couldn’t be changed,” he reasoned while mumbling to himself. 


His behavior, however, brought a very puzzled and concerned expression to his wife’s face. 




Chapter 5

The End of It.


As Franklin began to realize where he was, and what he’d just been through, he also became aware that his son and daughter were there with his wife.  Apparently his screams had awakened the entire family, and seeing his son brought back visions of what he’d just witnessed concerning the boy.  Feeling embarrassed and having a deep sense of regret, he got up and went over to hug Tim. 


“Remember, son,” he whispered in his ear, “there is nothing you can do that would ever make me stop loving you.” 


As he released his embrace, he looked at Tim’s face and noticed a sincere mixture of joy and confusion in his reaction.  Knowing he would have to explain this in more detail later, and in private, he merely tousled Tim’s hair and turned to hug his daughter, before finally embracing his wife. 


“I know you are all wondering what happened to me,” he began in explanation, “but I think it’s best to merely say I had a very disturbing dream – one that made me come to grips with many aspects of my life.  Over time you will come to discover that I am no longer the man I once was, and hopefully the new version will be better than what I was before.  I don’t have time to explain everything now, because we all need to get some sleep, but I will tell you more as time goes by.”


None of his family members were quite sure what he meant by this, but they were willing to wait until he was ready to explain this more fully.  As they made their way to their bedrooms, Franklin followed his son to his bedroom and closed the door behind him. 


“I know you’re confused by what I said to you in the study, but I believe I see things more clearly now.  If you should happen to be gay or bisexual, I won’t love you any less and I will never drive you from your home.  All I ask is that you find someone to love and then love that person with all your heart.  If you do that, then I promise I will love that person as much as I love you.”


Tim was totally speechless after hearing this, as well as greatly moved and relieved.  He threw his arms around his father’s chest and pinned Franklin’s arms to his side as he gave his dad the biggest bear hug they’d ever shared.  His father kissed him on the forehead to show his appreciation, and once his son loosened his grip, Franklin hugged him in return.  He then tucked Tim into bed, kissed him goodnight, and walked down the hallway to his own room. 


When he got there, his wife was already in bed, and he made sure to kiss her as well before he snuggled against her familiar frame and they fell into a blissful, dreamless slumber. 


When they awoke the following morning, Franklin decided to tell his wife a little more about what he’d experienced the prior evening before they got out of bed.  He told her about Patsy Falwell’s ghost and the three spirits that followed, as well as about some of the things he’d seen, although he didn’t mention anything about their son.  He felt it would be best if they waited until Tim was ready to share that information with them, if he eventually decided to let them know about his sexual orientation.


His wife wasn’t sure she understood what her husband had been through, but she was convinced that Franklin saw it as a sign from God and he was definitely going to change.  He wasn’t doing this half-heartedly either and would make a total commitment, starting with the way he preached to his congregation.  The following Sunday, he had a new message for them. 


“God spoke to me on Christmas Eve and helped to open my eyes.  He chastised me about the way I’d been preaching and informed me that I misunderstood some of his teachings, so I will attempt to clear up some of these misconceptions with you.  The first has to do with sexual orientation and whom a person loves.” 


His congregants were preparing themselves for another fire and brimstone sermon about the evils of the gay lifestyle, but that isn’t what they heard.  “God helped me to realize that most males and females have no control over which sex they are attracted to.  The only exception to this is for those who are bisexual and are attracted to both sexes.  This means conversion therapy can only be effective and able to influence people who are bisexual, so I’m no longer going to support this practice, since it does more harm than good to those who identify as gay.”   


Several gasps could be heard coming from the pews, seeing some of the congregants were unable to comprehend Reverend Phelps’ sudden about-face, and then they began to murmur.  Franklin knew it would take time to bring everyone over to his new way of thinking, because they didn’t have the advantage of having the spirits as their guides. 


Franklin also withdrew his support for a Constitutional Amendment prohibiting non-traditional forms of marriage, and once he did that he became an advocate for gay rights.  He championed bills calling for fairer treatment of gays and ending discrimination against them, and he was also very vocal about rescinding and abolishing the sodomy laws.  As far as he was now concerned, the only sexual acts that needed to be regulated was the issue of non-consensual sex and rape. 


Although it took time to bring others over to this way of thinking, he didn’t give up.  He met with other religious leaders first and slowly brought them along, and once they were convinced and began to preach the same message, their followers came over to their way of thinking as well.  It wasn’t easy, but Reverend Phelps never gave up. 


Over time, as these new ideas spread and became accepted, the veil of ignorance, hatred, and bigotry was lifted from men’s eyes and the country and world became a happier and more peaceful place to live.  From that time forward the true meaning of Christmas was practiced and people now accepted that Jesus was born into this world to bring love and understanding, as well as to die for their sins.


Franklin Phelps was true to his word and became the best friend, the best parent, the best husband, and the best clergyman anyone could ever hope to be.  In his heart he understood that what he was doing was both right and just, and this helped him to avoid the fate that Patsy Falwell had shown to him.  May we all be so fortunate!


The End.


Posted: 11/20/2020